Module guide WS 2018-2022

Module CS2300-KP06, CS2300SJ14

Software Engineering (SWEng14)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each winter semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Bachelor Media Informatics 2020 (compulsory), computer science, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor Computer Science 2019 (compulsory), foundations of computer science, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2020 (compulsory), computer science, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor Medical Informatics 2019 (compulsory), computer science, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2016 (compulsory), computer science, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor IT-Security 2016 (compulsory), computer science, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor Biophysics 2016 (optional subject), computer science, 5th semester
  • Bachelor Computer Science 2016 (compulsory), foundations of computer science, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor Media Informatics 2014 (compulsory), foundations of computer science, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor Medical Informatics 2014 (compulsory), computer science, 3rd semester
  • Bachelor Computer Science 2014 (compulsory), foundations of computer science, 3rd semester
Classes and lectures:
  • Software Engineering (exercise, 1 SWS)
  • Software Engineering (lecture, 3 SWS)
  • 20 Hours exam preparation
  • 100 Hours private studies and exercises
  • 60 Hours in-classroom work
Contents of teaching:
  • overview on major fields of software engineering
  • Software development, software process models
  • Project plan and workload estimation
  • Software management and quality assurance
  • System Analysis and requirements analysis
  • Basics of UML
  • Software architectures and design patterns
  • Validation and verification
  • Legal aspects: copyright, standards, liability, licenses
  • The students understand software design as an engineering process.
  • They can argue about major software process models.
  • They can explain important techniques and factors of software management.
  • They can describe and evaluate measures for quality ensurance.
  • They are able to model software systems on different levels of abtraction.
  • They can apply the basic concepts of object-oriented modelling and design.
  • They are able to apply design patterns in a useful way.
  • They can discuss about legal aspects of software development.
Grading through:
  • Written or oral exam as announced by the examiner
Is requisite for:
Responsible for this module:
  • H. Balzert: Lehrbuch der Software-Technik: Software-Entwicklung - Spektrum Akademischer Verlag 2001
  • B. Brügge, A. H. Dutoit: Objektorientierte Softwaretechnik mit UML, Entwurfsmustern und Java - Pearson Studium 2004
  • I. Sommerville: Software Engineering - Addison-Wesley 2006
  • B. Oestereich: Analyse und Design mit der UML 2.1 - Objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung - Oldenbourg 2006
  • D. Bjorner: Software Engineering 1-3 - Springer 2006
  • offered only in German

Admission requirements for taking the module:
- None (the competences of the modules mentioned under “Requires” are needed for this module, but are not a formal prerequisite).

Admission requirements for participation in module examination(s):
- Successful completion of exercises as specified at the beginning of the semester.

Module exam(s):
- CS2300-L1: Software Engineering, written exam, 90min, 100% of the module grade.

Passing this module is a formal requirement for participation in the module CS2301-KP06 Lab Course Software Engineering. It is recommended to do the internship directly in the following semester.

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