1 Semester | Turnus of offer:
each summer semester | Credit points:
9 |
Course of studies, specific field and terms: - Master Infection Biology 2023 (compulsory), Infection Biology, 2nd semester
- Master Infection Biology 2018 (compulsory), Infection Biology, 2nd semester
- Master Infection Biology 2012 (compulsory), Infection Biology, 2nd semester
Classes and lectures: - Practical course In vivo Models (practical course, 2 SWS)
- Lectures In vivo Models (lecture, 3 SWS)
- Excercises In vivo Models (seminar, 2 SWS)
| Workload: - 105 Hours in-classroom work
- 165 Hours private studies
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Contents of teaching: | - (1) Animal experimentation and biological safety; Lecture: (a) animal protection laws, animal experimentation application, documentation of animal experiments, anatomy and physiology of the mouse, breeding methods and nomenclature, transgenic mice, anesthetics, analgesia, methods of anesthesia, criteria for animal burden and experiment abortion, ethics, alternative and additional methods, biological and gene technological safety. (b) Practicals: biology and handling of mouse, handling and behaviour of mouse, health and gender controling, application methods, blood sampling and animal protection appropriate sacrifice, sectioning mouse, working under biological safety levels, transgenic technology
- (2) Clinic-near model systems in infection biology: principles of animal experimentation in infection biology, infections of the skin (leishmaniasis), lung (tuberculosis, influenza), intestinal (helminths, salmonella), intracerebral (toxoplasmosis) and systemic infections (trypanosomis, malaria, sepsis), humanized animal experimental models, comparison of scientific results from animal experimentation and the situation in humans
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Qualification-goals/Competencies: - Basic knowledge of laws regulating animal experimentaion; theoretical and practical basics in handling of experimental animals; basic knowledge on aspects of biological and gene technological safety; basic knowledge on the generation of transgenic animals
- Basic knowledge based on experimental examples; consolidation of knowledge in seminar
- Knowing how to handle the model systems; Competence in protocol writing
Grading through: |
Responsible for this module: - Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Hölscher
Teachers: - Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Hölscher
- Prof. Ph.D. Tamás Laskay
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Taube
- PD Dr. rer. nat. Norbert Reiling
- Dr. rer. nat. Bianca Schneider
- Dr. Kerstin Walter
- Dr.rer.nat. Christian Karsten
- Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Hauptmann
- Dr. rer. nat. Kristina Ritter
- Dr. rer. nat. Anke Osterloh
Language: |
Notes:Admission requirements for taking the module: - None Admission requirements for participation in module examination(s): - Regular (85%) and successful participation in seminar and lab. Module Examination(s): - LS4165-L1: Model Systems of Infection, written exam, 90 min, 50% of the module grade; seminar paper and practical each 25% of the module grade. Regular attendance of the lecture, apart from self-study, is strongly recommended as a solid preparation for the written exam. |
Letzte Änderung: 28.11.2024 |
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