2 Semester | Turnus of offer:
irregularly | Credit points:
12 |
Course of studies, specific field and terms: - Master Biophysics 2023 (advanced module), advanced curriculum, 1st or 2nd semester
- Master Computer Science 2019 (optional subject), Canonical Specialization Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, Arbitrary semester
- Master MES 2020 (advanced module), computer science / electrical engineering, Arbitrary semester
- Master Computer Science 2019 (optional subject), Canonical Specialization Data Science and AI, Arbitrary semester
- Master Entrepreneurship in Digital Technologies 2020 (advanced module), specific, Arbitrary semester
- Master Computer Science 2019 (optional subject), advanced module, Arbitrary semester
- Master Biophysics 2019 (advanced module), advanced curriculum, 1st and 2nd semester
- Master IT-Security 2019 (advanced module), Elective Computer Science, 1st or 2nd semester
- Master MES 2014 (advanced module), computer science / electrical engineering, 1st and 2nd semester
- Master Entrepreneurship in Digital Technologies 2014 (advanced module), specific, 2nd and 3rd semester
- Master Computer Science 2014 (advanced module), advanced curriculum, 2nd and 3rd semester
Classes and lectures: - CS5430 T: Seminar Machine Learning (seminar, 2 SWS)
- CS5450 T: Machine Learning (lecture with exercises, 3 SWS)
- CS4405 T: Neuro Informatics (lecture with exercises, 3 SWS)
| Workload: - 180 Hours private studies
- 40 Hours exam preparation
- 20 Hours work on an individual topic with written and oral presentation
- 120 Hours in-classroom work
| |
Qualification-goals/Competencies: |
Grading through: |
Responsible for this module: Teachers: |
Literature: |
Language: - German and English skills required
Notes:Admission requirements for taking the module: - None Admission requirements for participation in module examination(s): - Successful completion of exercises and project tasks as specified at the beginning of the semester. - Seminar lecture and elaboration according to the requirements at the beginning of the semester. Module Exam(s): - CS4511-L1: Learning Systems, oral exam, 100% of module grade. (Consists of CS4405 T, CS5450 T, CS5430 T) Only for computer science students with the application subject Bioinformatics, the course CS4405 T Neuroinformatics is replaced by CS5204 T Artificial Intelligence 2, because this group of participants must already complete Neuroinformatics as part of a required module. |
Letzte Änderung: 6.1.2025 |
für die Ukraine