1 Semester | Turnus of offer:
each winter semester | Credit points:
4 |
Course of studies, specific field and terms: - Master Interdisciplinary Courses (optional subject), Interdisciplinary modules, Arbitrary semester
Classes and lectures: - Business Plan (project work, 1 SWS)
- Business Plan (exercise, 1 SWS)
- Business Plan (lecture, 1 SWS)
| Workload: - 75 Hours work on project
- 45 Hours in-classroom work
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Contents of teaching: | - During the business plan seminar, the business ideas for a potential business start-up are collected, evaluated and worked out in the form of a detailed business plan. The relevance of the business plan for business practice is to be demonstrated by means of specialist lectures on the individual components of the business plan.
- Students develop over the course period a business plan for a fictional or real business opportunity in teams.
- Business plan fundamentals
- Product and service description
- Market and competitor analysis
- Development of a marketing strategy
- Development of a distribution strategy
- Organizational structure
- Financing and financial planning
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Qualification-goals/Competencies: - Students are able to identify the central issues in the process of writing a business plan and have a broad knowledge including the scientific basis as well as its practical application. Business plan is an advanced course in the curriculum and requires the completion of fundamentals courses (e.g. Entrepreneurial, Marketing, Strategic Management, Fundamentals in Business Administration, etc.).
- Students are able to apply this knowledge to their own examples. Students master the scientific foundations and have specialized and in-depth expertise in writing a business plan.
- Students know how to prepare, structure and conduct negotiations. Students are able to define goals for their own development and can reflect their own strengths and weaknesses, plan their individual development and reflect the societal impact.
- Students can work cooperatively and responsibly in groups and reflect and enhance their own cooperative behavior in groups critical.
Grading through: |
Responsible for this module: Teachers: - Institute for Entrepreneurship and Business Development
Literature: - Netzwerk Nordbayern: Handbuch zur Businessplan-Erstellung - 8. überarbeitete Auflage
- H. Klandt: Gründungsmanagement: Der integrierte Unternehmensplan - Verlag Oldenbourg, 2. Auflage, 2006
- M. E. Porter: On Competition. Updated and Expanded Edition - Harvard business review book series, 2008
- K. Kerth, H. Asum, V. Stich: Die besten Strategietools in der Praxis: Welche Werkzeuge brauche ich wann? Wie wende ich sie an? Wo liegen die Grenzen? - Carl Hanser Verlag, 5. Auflage, München, Wien, 2011
Language: |
Notes:Prerequisites for attending the module: - none Prerequisites for participation in module exam(s): - none - Prerequisites for admission to the (written) examination may be scheduled at the beginning of the semester. When prerequisites are defined, they should be completed and positively evaluated before the initial (written) examination. Module exam(s): - EC5002-L1: Business Plan, portfolio exam, 100% of module grade The portfolio exam consists of the following: - Written assignment, 60% - Presentation, 40% The commercial rounding is used to determine the overall grade. (Is equal to EC5000 B-KP04) |
Letzte Änderung: 13.9.2022 |
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