1 Semester | Turnus of offer:
each summer semester | Credit points:
4 |
Course of studies, specific field and terms: - Master CLS 2023 (compulsory), computer science, 2nd semester
- Master Auditory Technology 2022 (optional subject), Auditory Technology, 2nd semester
- Master Auditory Technology 2017 (optional subject), Auditory Technology, 2nd semester
- Master MES 2020 (optional subject), computer science / electrical engineering, Arbitrary semester
- Master CLS 2016 (compulsory), computer science, 2nd semester
- Master Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2019 (optional subject), Elective, 1st or 2nd semester
- Master MES 2014 (optional subject), computer science / electrical engineering, Arbitrary semester
- Master MES 2011 (optional subject), mathematics, 2nd semester
- Bachelor MES 2011 (optional subject), optional subject medical engineering science, 6th semester
- Master Computer Science 2012 (optional subject), advanced curriculum organic computing, 2nd or 3rd semester
- Master MES 2011 (advanced curriculum), imaging systems, signal and image processing, 2nd semester
- Master Computer Science 2012 (optional subject), advanced curriculum intelligent embedded systems, 2nd or 3rd semester
- Master Computer Science 2012 (compulsory), specialization field robotics and automation, 2nd semester
- Master Computer Science 2012 (compulsory), specialization field bioinformatics, 2nd semester
- Master CLS 2010 (compulsory), computer science, 2nd semester
Classes and lectures: - Neuroinformatics (lecture, 2 SWS)
- Neuroinformatics (exercise, 1 SWS)
| Workload: - 20 Hours exam preparation
- 55 Hours private studies
- 45 Hours in-classroom work
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Contents of teaching: | - The human brain and abstract neuron models
- Learning with a single neuron: * Perceptrons * Max-Margin Classification * LDA and logistic Regression
- Network architectures: * Hopfield-Networks * Multilayer-Perceptrons * Deep Learning
- Unsupervised Learning: * k-means, Neural Gas and SOMs * PCA & ICA * Sparse Coding
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Qualification-goals/Competencies: - The students are able to understand the principle function of a single neuron and the brain as a whole.
- They know abstract neuronal models and they are able to name practical applications for the different variants.
- They are able to derive a learning rule from a given error function.
- They are able to apply (and implement) the proposed learning rules and approaches to solve unknown practical problems.
Grading through: - Written or oral exam as announced by the examiner
Responsible for this module: Teachers: |
Literature: - S. Haykin: Neural Networks - London: Prentice Hall, 1999
- J. Hertz, A. Krogh, R. Palmer: Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation - Addison Wesley, 1991
- T. Kohonen: Self-Organizing Maps - Berlin: Springer, 1995
- H. Ritter, T. Martinetz, K. Schulten: Neuronale Netze: Eine Einführung in die Neuroinformatik selbstorganisierender Netzwerke - Bonn: Addison Wesley, 1991
Language: |
Notes:Admission requirements for taking the module: - None Admission requirements for participation in module examination(s): - Successful completion of exercises as specified at the beginning of the semester Module Exam(s): - CS4405-L1: Neuroinformatics, written exam, 90 min, 100% of module grade According to the old version of the MES Bachelor Examination Regulations (until WS 2011/2012), an elective subject is scheduled for the 4th semester instead of the 6th semester. |
Letzte Änderung: 1.2.2022 |
für die Ukraine