Module Guide from winter term 2019/20

Modul EW4200-KP08

Moleculare medicine (MolMed)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each summer semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Master Nutritional Medicine 2023 (compulsory), advanced curriculum, 2nd semester
  • Master Nutritional Medicine 2019 (compulsory), advanced curriculum, 2nd semester
Classes and lectures:
  • See module parts: EW4200 A, EW4200 B, EW4200 C, LS4101 A, LS4101 B, LS4101 C and LS4101 G (lecture, 6 SWS)
  • 150 Hours private studies and exercises
  • 90 Hours in-classroom work
Contents of teaching:
  • see descriptions of the module parts EW4200 A, EW4200 B, EW4200 C, LS4101 A, LS4101 B, LS4101 C und LS4101 G
  • see descriptions of the module parts EW4200 A, EW4200 B, EW4200 C, LS4101 A, LS4101 B, LS4101 C und LS4101 G
Grading through:
  • written exam, oral exam and/or presentation as announced by the examiner
Responsible for this module:
  • Dr. Stefanie Derer
  • Institutes of the Unversity of Lübeck
  • offered only in English

Admission requirements for taking the module:
- none

Admission requirements for the module examination(s):

Module examination(s):
- EW4200-L1: Molecular Medicine, elective, 90 min, 100 % of the grade

Module EW4200-KP08 consists of the module parts EW4200 A, EW4200 B, EW4200 C, LS4101 A, LS4101 B, LS4101 C and LS4101 G.

Three module parts have to be chosen. Each part is valued one third for the grade.

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