Aktuelles zum Studium

International Summer School Medical Microtechnology

Freitag, 01.07.2022

Foto: Syddansk Universitet

8. - 19. August in Sønderborg, hosted by the Syddansk Universitet

This year, future students of the Medical Microtechnology master’s programme have the chance to participate in the International Summer School 2022 in and around the city of Sønderborg arranged by the Syddansk Universitet (SDU).

Students with an educational background in engineering or physics, and especially students with interest in medical microtechnology in the last part of their bachelor’s educationcan take part in the summer school course consisting of lectures and practical exercises.

The educational programme will focus on the theoretical understanding and practical experience on medical devices, such as microfluidics or medical sensing devices as well as imaging techniques.

Further information and application: International MMT Summer School 2022

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