Degree Programmes

Studying in Lübeck Means Thinking Ahead

An overview of the
Think Ahead programme.

How does life science research into Big Data work? Who’s to blame when a self-driving car causes an accident? And for what do we need privacy in the age of social media?

These are some of the issues that you, as a student, can delve into during lively seminars of our new Think Ahead programme at the Universität zu Lübeck. Most programmes here recognise these courses as interdisciplinary compulsory electives.
In many of the seminars, you have the option to conduct your own
, such as a podium discussion or run a workshop with schoolgirls and boys. This is a call for all students to come up with ideas and get in touch.
The programme
Think Ahead
is organised by the Institute for Medical History and Science Research (IMGWF), and run by lecturers from various programmes and institutes.

Current events

The following seminars are scheduled for our
Think Ahead

Summer semester 2017
Big Data in Life Sciences
Ethics in Research
Privacy in Medicine and Life Sciences

Winter semester 2017/18

Ethics in Innovative Technologies

Plans are to expand the activities under this programme. We hope that in the near future, we’ll be able to incorporate events covering economic aspects of specific disciplines and profession.

Why do we have the
Think Ahead

Our aim is to offer our students a platform where they can hold critical, in-depth debates on a range of social, ethical and knowledge-theory aspects of their courses and future professions. The goal is to venture beyond the horizon, develop your personality, and prepare yourself to take on responsibility in society as an expert in a particular discipline.

You have the ideal conditions for such a university programme, because of our Universität zu Lübeck’s focus on medicine, life sciences and engineering, not to mention the close cooperation among diverse disciplines and programmes.
Programme Director:
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Borck
Leonhard Menges,