Module Guide since WS 2016/17

Modul LS1610-KP04

Practical Course Chemistry (ACPKP04)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each summer semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Bachelor CLS 2023 (compulsory), life sciences, 4th semester
  • Bachelor CLS 2016 (compulsory), life sciences, 4th semester
  • Bachelor Biophysics 2016 (compulsory), life sciences, 1st and 2nd semester
Classes and lectures:
  • Practical Course Chemistry (practical course, 4 SWS)
  • 80 Hours private studies
  • 40 Hours in-classroom work
Contents of teaching:
  • Practical course:
  • The students work independently under supervision with regards to the role of GSP of the University of Lübeck
  • Selected experiments related to topics of the lectures general and organic chemistry
  • From their independent work in the lab course students have fundamental practical skills to perform simple experiments and analyzes in the chemical laboratory within the roles of Good Scientific Praxis of the University of Lübeck. They are competent in basic techniques of the handling of hazardous materials according to GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals).
  • Students are capable to document, interpret and present the results of conducted experiments (laboratory journal and concluding discussion) with regards to the role of GSP of the University of Lübeck and the DFG-guidelines.
Grading through:
  • Continuous, successful participation in practical course. All experiments have to be conducted.
Responsible for this module:
  • PD Dr. phil. nat. Thomas Weimar
  • Thomas Weimar: Script of the practical course
  • offered only in German

Prerequisites for attending the module:
- Passing of LS1100-L1 and participation in the general health and safety briefing

Prerequisites for admission to the examination:
- Successful participation in the practical course with all tests

Module exam:
- In order to pass the course students have to conduct experiments within defined error margins and present an experiment of the course in a talk. Not graded, 100%.

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