
Study Midwifery in Lübeck

Know what to do.

Or co-op bachelor’s programme coalesces vocational training in midwifery with a university education. This opens up a host of opportunities to grow successfully in a constantly advancing vocation.

Schnuppertag für Studieninteressierte

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Specialise in Midwifery

Your work will always revolve around people with individual needs. For us it is crucial to ensure that you are extremely well-trained to perform your high-responsibility job as a male/female midwife. Furthermore, we prepare you to handle future changes in job requirements. Hence, we concentrate on conveying the latest and best knowledge, enabling you to integrate and apply sound midwifery knowledge in your daily work. Most important of all – we focus on an evidence-based approach.

Merits of our Midwifery Programme

Ours is the only programme of its kind to be offered by a German university. We hold joint lectures with the Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Logopaedics and Ergotherapy programmes to strengthen mutual trust and understanding. You will live in an interdisciplinary atmosphere during your studies. Our combination of academic studies and vocational training offer you multifaceted
career prospects


Tell me more

Has this programme perked-up your interest?
If so, please read the following information:
Five good reasons
Job prospects
Programme plan

Questions & answers

Co-op Bachelor of Science in Midwifery


You can apply here for admission in the winter semester 2018/2019 to study at the University Medical Centre Schleswig-Holstein, our partner. We look forward to your application.


Here is a flyer on our co-op programme, Bachelor of Science in Midwifery.

Events and Dates

The  Nord Job Fair in Kiel from 23–24 May 2018

Trial Day at the Universität zu Lübeck on 25 May 2018 for all those interested.

The Nord Job Fair in Lübeck from 5–6 June 2018

Presse Release

Easy delivery? The first university programme in Midwifery in Lübeck
On 1 Nov. 2017 at 2:51 pm, tune in to the Campus & Career report by the German World Service.

Study Midwifery
17 Oct. 2017 – Press release by the Universität zu Lübeck

Midwifery: new programme in Lübeck
14 Oct. 2017 – Schleswig-Holstein Magazin NDR (TV)

Degree Programmes