Module Guide from winter term 2019/20

Modul CS1001-KP08, CS1001

Algorithms and Data Structures (AuD)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each summer semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Bachelor CLS 2023 (compulsory), foundations of computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor MES 2020 (optional subject), computer science / electrical engineering, 3rd semester at the earliest
  • Bachelor Media Informatics 2020 (compulsory), computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor Computer Science 2019 (compulsory: aptitude test), foundations of computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2020 (compulsory), computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor Medical Informatics 2019 (compulsory), computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor Computer Science 2016 (compulsory: aptitude test), foundations of computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor CLS 2016 (compulsory), foundations of computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2016 (compulsory), computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor IT-Security 2016 (compulsory: aptitude test), computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor Medical Informatics 2014 (compulsory), computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor MES 2014 (optional subject), computer science / electrical engineering, 4th or 6th semester
  • Bachelor Media Informatics 2014 (compulsory), foundations of computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor Computer Science 2014 (compulsory: aptitude test), foundations of computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor Medical Informatics 2011 (compulsory), computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor MES 2011 (compulsory), foundations of computer science, 4th semester
  • Bachelor CLS 2010 (compulsory), foundations of computer science, 2nd semester
  • Bachelor Computer Science 2012 (compulsory: aptitude test), foundations of computer science, 2nd semester
Classes and lectures:
  • Algorithms and Data Structures (exercise, 2 SWS)
  • Algorithms and Data Structures (lecture, 4 SWS)
  • 25 Hours exam preparation
  • 125 Hours private studies
  • 90 Hours in-classroom work
Contents of teaching:
  • Sorting, algorithm analysis, heaps
  • Distribution sort
  • Priority queues
  • Sets
  • Sets
  • Sets of strings
  • Disjoint sets
  • Associating objects
  • Graphs
  • Search graph for game playing
  • Dynamic Programming principle, greedy algorithms
  • Optimization problems, sequence alignment (longest common subsequence), knapsack problem, planning and layout problems, determining change coins, notion of completeness of algorithms
  • String matching
  • Hard problems
  • Pruning and subgraph isomorphism
  • Approximation
  • The students can explain the central ideas, define the relevant concepts and explain the functioning of algorithms with help of application scenarios for all the items listed in contents of teaching.
Grading through:
  • written exam
Is requisite for:
Responsible for this module:
  • Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein: Algorithmen - Eine Einführung - Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013
  • offered only in German

Admission requirements for taking the module:
- None (The competencies of the modules listed under 'Requires' are needed for this module, but are not a formal prerequisite.)

Admission requirements for participation in module examination(s):
- Successful completion of exercise sheets as specified at the beginning of the semester.

Module exam(s):
- CS1001-L1: Algorithms and Data Structures, written exam, 90min, 100% of the module grade.

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