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Info events

In addition to personal guidance, the IT security study program will also be presented at various information events.

Open house

Every year, interested school students can find out about the study programs at the University of Lübeck at the "Schnuppertag". In 2022, the "Schnuppertag" for IT security took place on May 20.


The University of Lübeck is present at various fairs for prospective students to present its study programs and answer questions.

Communication with schools

The Institute for IT Security is happy to present itself and the study program in the context of career orientation at schools. For further information, please contact the study program coordination.

Schülerakademie: LIaS

The initiative "Lübecker Informatk an Schulen" (LIaS) offers various events for school students interested in computer science.

Student Advisor:

Anja Rabich
Studiengangskoordinatorin IT-Sicherheit
M.Sc. Marc Stelzner
Stellv. Studiengangskoordinator IT-Sicherheit

Help with Applications:

Dr. Sabine Voigt

Please direct your inquiries to the program coordinator (Anja Rabich) and not the deputy coordinator (Marc Stelzner).