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International applicants for Master's degree in IT Security please use the Uni Assist Portal (

Applicants with a Bachelor's degree from an EU institution may apply via the application portal of the University of Lübeck.

If parts of the process are unclear, please contact the Student Service Center staff. The International Office will help with questions about the recognition of foreign qualifications or studying in Lübeck for students from abroad. Questions regarding admission, enrollment, exmatriculation, leave of absence and exchange of study places will also be answered at the respective points.


For the English-language Master’s degree in IT Security, applications for the winter semester are accepted from May 1 to July 15 and for the summer semester usually from November 1 to January 15. Exception: Due to administrative reasons, the application for summer semester 2024 is not possible until November 15 2023.

Enrollment in the Bachelor’s degree in IT security for the winter semester is possible from May 1st to September 15th of the respective year. The program is only offered in German.

Application prerequisites can be found in the Questions and Answers section.

There are currently no tuition fees charged at the University of Lübeck. 

Student Advisor:

Anja Rabich
Studiengangskoordinatorin IT-Sicherheit
M.Sc. Marc Stelzner
Stellv. Studiengangskoordinator IT-Sicherheit

Help with Applications:

Dr. Sabine Voigt

Please direct your inquiries to the program coordinator (Anja Rabich) and not the deputy coordinator (Marc Stelzner).