Contents of teaching: | - Introduction and overview: development environment (i.e., VSCode), Source-Code-Management (z.B. Git), Developer-Tools
- Web: HTML und web standards; CSS Layout, CSS Frameworks (i.e., Tailwind, Bootstrap); JavaScript (DOM, jQuery, EventHandling, Asynchronity, Callback, Promises, HTTP Requests)
- Web development: Client-Server architecture, protocols, REST, JSON, node.js, Headless CMS
- Web: Component Based development, React, JSX, UI-Reuse, Conditional Rendering, Component-Lifecycle, Hooks, States
- Web: Dependency-Management, npm/pnpm, React-components, libraries, icon-libraries
- Mobile: Mobile operating systems, native app development, deployment, wearables, hybrid apps, hybrid app frameworks
- Mobile: React native, native components, sensors with React Native
- Desktop: Desktop-App Frameworks, PWA, QT, .Net, Xcode, Electron
- Computer games: development with an engine
- Computer games: concepts for game design and development, control and input, lifecycle, graphics and sound
- Computer games: Development with engine, SDK and licenses, asset stores, 2d 8-Bit Engine (Pico8), Unreal, Unity
- Computer games: 3D Rendering-Pipeline, Lighting, Textures, Shaders, Materials, Raycasting, Terrain-Generation
- Computer games: C#, Event-Methoden, Behavior, Animation in Unity
- Computer games: Publishing, platform dployment, UI-Systems in Unity
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