Free Electives

Modul EC4510-KP06, EC4510

Entrepreneurial and High-Tech-Marketing (EntMark)


1 Semester
Turnus of offer:

each summer semester
Credit points:

Course of studies, specific field and terms:
  • Master Entrepreneurship in Digital Technologies 2020 (compulsory), entrepreneurship, 2nd semester
  • Master Interdisciplinary Courses (optional subject), Interdisciplinary modules, Arbitrary semester
  • Master Entrepreneurship in Digital Technologies 2014 (compulsory), entrepreneurship, 2nd semester
Classes and lectures:
  • Entrepreneurial and High-Tech-Marketing (lecture, 2 SWS)
  • Entrepreneurial and High-Tech-Marketing (exercise, 2 SWS)
  • 100 Hours private studies
  • 60 Hours in-classroom work
  • 20 Hours exam preparation
Contents of teaching:
  • The first purpose of this lecture is to explain the essential differences between classical and entrepreneurial marketing.
  • In addition, the characteristics of innovation marketing and in particular the marketing of high-tech and innovative products will be discussed. Building on this, special features and design possibilities in the field of entrepreneurial marketing will be further explained and deepened.
  • Students have comprehensive and detailed knowledge on the latest state of knowledge in the field of entrepreneurial marketing.
  • Students are able to develop and apply marketing strategies for innovative and creative (product) ideas.
  • The competences and skills acquired in this subject can thus be applied in the future to tasks in new and unfamiliar situations using innovative marketing concepts and strategies.
Grading through:
  • written exam
Responsible for this module:
  • Institute for Entrepreneurship and Business Development
  • J. Freiling, T. Kollmann: Entrepreneurial Marketing - Wiesbaden, 2008
  • Hollensen / Opresnik: Grundlagen und Praxis. Ein managementorientierter Ansatz - Lübeck, 2020
  • Kotler / Armstrong / Opresnik: Marketing: An Introduction - 14. Aufl., Harlow, 2019
  • Kotler / Keller / Opresnik: Marketing-Management: Strategien für wertschaffendes Handeln - 15. Aufl., München, 2017
  • J. Mohr, Sengupta, S., Slater, S.: Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations - 2013
  • Opresnik: Die Macht der Kommunikativen Intelligenz nutzen. Einfach intelligent erklärte Strategien und Taktiken für erfolgreiche Verhandlungsführung - 1. Aufl., Lübeck, 2020
  • offered only in German

Prerequisites for attending the module:
- none

Prerequisites for participation in module exam(s):
- none

Module exam(s):
- EC4510-L1: Entrepreneurial- and High-Tech-Marketing, written exam, 120 min, 100 % of module grade

Students for whom this course is a compulsory module have priority.

Registration takes place at the beginning of the semester via Moodle. Further questions related to registration and exam will be clarified during the first lectures.

Please note the different lecture periods of the universities.

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